Saturday, February 07, 2009

25 Random Things

The '25 random things' chain letter (copied from a note on facebook)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1. My new year resolution was to try lots of new things (this was also to include things I hadn’t done in a long time that I wanted to do again).

2. there is a mark on my neck which looks like a tiny hole and has been there since my birth and my grandmother would tell me it was where God cast off when he made me. I have recently found out that 2 other members of my family have this same mark.

3. I love reading fantasy/sci fi fiction and used to get upset as a child when none of the things in the stories happened in real life.

4. I love to dance round the house to the sound of Cat Stevens singing ‘I’ve found a love’ (actually any song will do but this one holds particularly good memories).

5. I hate it when people turn over the corners of book pages.

6. I love licorice pipes.

7. I once went on a road trip in the US of A with 2 good friends and a car called ‘Douglas’.

8. Eddie Izzard is a comic genius and Darth Vadar does not need a tray!

9. I was once stranded with two friends on a tiny desert island in the Caribbean and there was a big storm, glowing plankton, a good and a bad dog and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

10. My name is an amalgamation of my parents – Brian and Anne.

11. Dune is one of my favorite films…He who controls the Spice controls the universe.

12. My dad refused to agree on a boys name for me before my birth insisting that I would be a girl, as they entered the hospital on my birthday my mum insisted that he accept that they may have another son and what were they going to name it. ‘William Charles’ he said. ‘how did you think of that name?’ she asked. He pointed to the sign above the toilet ‘WC’. I was almost named after a toilet.

13. I love the adverts for the natural confectionary company sweets, they make me laugh so much I cry.

14. When I went to see the secondary school I would be attending, I met a strange girl carrying a dead, and very dried up, lizard.

15. ‘release your inner banana’ – either you get it or you don’t.

16. I never did find out who alien girl was.

17.I love to go to the Tate modern on a Sunday and then walk along the river surreptitiously people watching.

18. I get to play as part of my job.

19. I love thunder storms.

20. everybody should have friends who they can play Gladiators with and do home made assault courses.

21. I understand what it means to be asked ‘topol?’ and the answer is ‘yes, I will thanks’.

22. sometimes the Christmas turkey wants revenge even if that means pulling its half eaten carcass out of the rubbish bag, climbing up the steps and knocking on the door (and it will return if you try to throw it away again). Just remember, if you’re not a vegetarian it’s coming after you. Turkey’s gonna get you…

23. Mr Newtie still rents space on the top shelf of my wardrobe from time to time (when he’s taking time out from the spy business).

24. I should make more of an effort to keep in touch with old friends. They are all amazing people.

25. I love the word ‘ocean’. The actual thing is pretty brilliant too.