Saturday, January 13, 2007

A review of 2006 taken from my posts for each month.

January: I am back in reading and i once again have internet access!! woohoo!! procrastination here we come!! (that's the royal we of course).

February: It was my birthday last weekend, i am now 24.

March: I have a test in phonetics on monday and part of this is an oral in which i will get a one of nine possible cards on which will be printed 6 phonetic symbols and i will have to produce the sounds those symbols represent.

April: I have returned to university having survived my first placement, a coffee free lent and holidays with my family.

May: HURRAH!!! It's thursday evening i survived my second day of second placement, it's summer, I have a party to go to, and my brother Mark got the job he was being interviewed for today!!
One Blond's Journey to Brugge
The exams are over for the year and i survived.
(i felt all these posts should be mentioned for May).

June: A little sea-bathing would set me up forever!
Yesterday some of us went on a road trip to Brighton.

July: I can't sleep tonight so I have decided to blog about leaving Sibly.

August: (no posts)
September: (no posts)

October: The Return of the SLT Student

November: I am locked in my house.

December: Curiosity killed the cat...
The future of speech and language therapyAs i sat in the living room last night, trying to get some reading done, i became aware of a noise as if people were jumping up and down on the floor somewhere above me.

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