Monday, April 23, 2007

Revision!!! (again)

It is revision time again. Why have i put myself through this again? I remember conversations with Esther (over many cups of coffee) in our final year at Keele when we would say that we would never put ourselves through this again. The boredom is the worse thing. I hate doing the same thing for too long, i get fidgety and start biouncing off the walls. I just took a look through the archives of my old blog and found this entry:

"I have finished my degree. three years of hard slog (sometimes) over with. no gradual coming to a a moment i went from being a finalist frantically writing)...nothing...I sat for perhaps two seconds a strange grin on my face (buts what new about that?) as it dawned on me that a lifetime in the education system had come to an end (for now).

I came home and i was tired and deflated...i cannot adjust to doing nothing so i have tidied the flat, tidied my room, and now i blog...i have never felt so calm during an exam period as i have during this one. God has been so good to me, bringing peace to His crazy child...I perhaps have not made it so peaceful for my flatmates...Esther has told me i have stretched my weirdness so far that there is no coming back. Perhaps my mind is like a rubber band i have stretched until it snapped...or perhaps there is still some stretch left..."

I hope my mind does have some stretch left.

This time is definitely the last time i put myself through this.

See you on the other side.

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