Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My version of events

Esther sometimes blogs about the people she sees and who or what she imagines they might be. Her latest subject can be read about here. Below is my alternative insight into this stranger...

(to be read in some indefinable, unplaceable, foreign accent)

Day one on new job as international spy (well maybe not so international, they have stuck me in cold and wet Belfast, but musn’t complain). Where was I?...Day one and I am on the bus on my way to my rendez-vous with Legrand Bouche, my contact over here. It is my mission to find out who has been selling all our secrets (like my recipe for grilled cheese sandwhiches, I recognised it in that new cookbook Bouche gave me in the secret santa). I have chosen my teacher disguise and I have placed my mission plans inside this book ‘the state of Africa’ so no one will realise what I am actually reading. One minute, what is that woman looking at? Out of the corner of my eye I can see that she keeps looking over here. She is trying to be surreptitious but I know a spy when I see one! That isn’t an ipod! It’s a death ray! (why don’t I get one of those? What do I get? A bloody cookbook.). Aha! She is looking out the window I will get out quickly at the next stop before she can stop me. Oh no! She is looking my way! Stay calm, pretend to be a teacher, think like a teacher; Get out of my way you stupid schoolboys!

That was close, but she may get off at the next stop and double back. I must find somewhere to get lost for a little while. I wonder if there are any of those ‘European nightclubs” like in Alias, I could wear my Jennifer Garner disguise…


catherine said...

i love it! just the thing to make me giggle on a dreary wednesday night...

i shall have to subtly encourage esther to write more about her people-watching to ensure your witty ripostes continue!

esther said...



i love it.