Thursday, May 31, 2007

Two Weeks To Go!!!!

i have been so ecstatic about finishing my written exams and sampling the social whirlwind that I have not taken time to blog. Last Thursday I had my fourth and final (forever please forever) written exam. The few days after that are a bit of a blur (there was some drinking I think) but now I am back to work because unfortunately the written exams were not the end. The scary bit is yet to come. Next Thursday i shall be fed to the lions (well, a small child actually), I have my clinical exam. I shall attempt to carry out an initial assessment on a small child whilst being watched by two examiners and then I shall have to justify why i did what I did. Great. the week after that is the adult exam.

It is almost over though. in a fortnight i would have finished (not counting my dissertation).

2 weeks until the end and counting...

Friday, May 18, 2007

my second exam is over, i'm halfway through the written exams (i almost didn't make it to the exam hall because i followed Gemma's 'shortcut'). two more exams to go, 2 clinical exams, 2 more days of placement and a dissertation to write...easy...

Here is my belated thursday photo:

The girl's of St. Bart's. hopefully those carefree days will be back again soon.

4 weeks until the end and counting...


The puppy died yesterday. the poor thing made it through the first two nights but was not stong enough to keep going. He didn't die nameless though, because he had a red nose he gained the name of Ruldolph. Bye Rudy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A step closer

My first exam is over and I think it went okay but, as I hate to dissect exams afterwards, I am not going to discuss it. I am a step closer to the end.

Bonnie's puppies were born today. there were four of them but one was still born and one is very sickly looking. Two are very healthy and typical little Jack Russells, I only hope the little one survives but I must admit I think there is not much chance of that; perhaps he/she will surprise me. Happy Birthday Puppies!

Please feel free to suggest names for the puppies.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A wet and windy Thursday Photo Archive

This photo of me getting soaked at Niagara falls seems fitting on a day of constant rain. By the way, my face is not red because i got burnt; those bloody awful blue plastic bags they give you to wear are very good for cooking you in your own body heat. They are also very unflattering as Esther knows. I was very tempted to put a photo of esther here wearing this fashion item but i was pretty sure that if I did i would not live to see my graduation (and i've worked bloody hard to reach that day).

5 weeks and 1 day until the end...

Monday, May 07, 2007

Monday monday

To everyone out there who is able to appreciate it...Happy Bank Holiday Monday. Enjoy your day off. I should be revising but have not quite got round to starting today. i have woken up with no motivation; i think i have burnt out already. right now it's very tempting to go back to bed and sleep untill it's all over. "o dear, did i miss the exams. what a shame." I am fighting a battle against fear and boredom. I'm not sure which one is worse. today it is the turn of boredom. okay i will stop procrastinating and get to work...i'm going now....i will just make sure i do not have some profound thoughts to impart which i must be sure to, i think i have absolutely nothing to no i'm going now......................................................... .................................................................................i wonder if anyone is on messenger right now...

Friday, May 04, 2007

Photo Archive Thursday (disguised as Friday)

I missed photo Thursday again!! i'm rubbish.

A little reminder of the good old days of Hawthorns back when I was last revising for final exams. This might have given me an idea for an alternative career path if all goes wrong over the next 6 weeks.

6 weeks until the end and counting

Then there were three...or five.

My parents brought their new dog, Bonnie, home on Wednesday and she has been busy getting to know her new home. In one months time she will be having her two puppies. I was discussing with Lammie the therapeutic value of dogs. I think it will be good for my dad to have a dog around again I think it will get him out of the house more. Of course in Lammie's case dogs are less therapeutic and are in fact demented. It could only hapen to her. I have never had to deal with vicious animals on placement. I can only imagine that if Esther does become a midwife that somehow dogs will beset her from all directions even within a hospital.

6 weeks until the end and counting