Sunday, March 04, 2007

There's been a mistake

Is there another Brianne out there, who applied to study speech and language therapy at Reading Uni? I think they offered me your place accidentally. It took me two years to figure out what should have been obvious from the beginning, i don't deserve to be here. I should have stuck to books and left people alone. I'm really going to disapoint my parents this time when i fail this course. Why at 25 should i still be bothered by that? i don't know but i starting to get the sneaking suspicion that it is a feeling that wont ever leave me.

right, someone slap me, i have to stop being so self-pitying. i need a fallback plan. I can get an office job somewhere. Esther, does your company need anyone?

1 comment:

esther said... that i have entirely sold out and work for "the man" i feel i must point out that working in offices - even in new zealand - is definitely not all it's cracked up to be.

in fact i'd go so far as to suggest the hippie commune in new zealand, perhaps with some kind of organic smallholding to subsist from when we run out of necessaries.

it would be exciting though. i would sell all of my electrical appliances to prove i can be low maintenance...

but we both know i'd be lying.

chin up babe. things are never quite what they seem...