I did escape the house in the end, as you may have guessed (or perhaps you thought i was stuck in the house all weekend and was forced to eat my own leg to stave off hunger and put a match to my clothes to gain warmth. This did not happen but it might have).
It was Amy's birthday celebrations at the weekend (so sorry i almost forgot to turn up, well i actually i did forget so thank you for the text). It was lovely to see her, Lammie and Rachel and catch up. I think i go slightly hyper when i see more than one uni friend at a time, i think perhaps my mind is confused and thinks i am 21 again and crazy (obviously i am now mature and sensible and talk about grown up things with grown up people and don't talk about unleashing bananas).
I went to the scissor sisters concert at Wembley Arena yesterday. There was glitter, dancing, glitter, high waisted trousers, glitter, flashing bunny ears and more glitter. They certainly put on a good show and i got the feeling that they were enjoying themselves so much they would have quite happily have performed even without an audience.
I have only three weeks left of term. I will make it to Christmas even if i have drag my battered mind over the broken glass of these final days and fall bloody and whimpering in the rags of my weakened sanity.
Have a good week people!
Kiss kiss.